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Who’s going where, and when, why and how: The Depart­ment for Mo­bil­i­ty of the Canton of Zürich knows all about it. We were asked to visu­al­ize the trea­sure trove of data and bring it into the dig­i­tal age, includ­ing a fully ac­ces­si­ble PDF for people with dis­abil­i­ties. Inci­den­tally, we also de­signed the bold mar­ket­ing campaign. And what we are par­tic­u­lar­ly proud of: Switzer­land’s news­pa­per of record, the ven­er­a­ble NZZ, wrote a fa­vor­able ar­ti­cle about it.

Statistik.Mobilität running in a browser on a Macbook A Statistik.Mobilität billboard in Zürich A leporello for Statistik.Mobilität An article about Statistik.Mobilität in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung

One app for seven dif­fer­ent news­papers: That is what CH Media, one of Switzer­land’s largest pub­lish­ers, wanted us to create. Our reply: We’d be happy to, of course. For Android and iPhone, with in-app purchases, support for reader-re­porters and a lot of atten­tion to skeuo­mor­phic details – a product of its time. The cus­tomers greatly appre­ci­ated our effort and the jury of Best of Swiss Apps thought our debut in app develop­ment was worth a silver medal.

The AZ Aargauer Zeitung news app running on an iPhone

The FIFA World Foot­ball Museum™ called, so we made an app with a kicker. We (invisibly) attached tiny Blue­tooth trans­mit­ters to various exhibits in the museum and asked visi­tors to look for and collect them in an app. Col­lect­ing all of them would activate a voucher for the Fifa Store. An amazing app with gami­fi­cation, and one of our fa­vorite projects.

The official FIFA World Cup™ Match Balls Collector app running on an iPhone

The brief was short and to the point: The FIFA Forward foot­ball devel­op­ment program was going to be an­nounced in the lobby of Fifa head­quar­ters. In our app, we digitally repro­duced the giant world map in­stalled on a wall there and com­bined it with geo­localized articles from FIFA Forward – and thus FIFA Planet was born. A simple idea that play­fully conveyed in­for­ma­tion and as­ton­ished the public.

The FIFA Planet app running on an iPhone

Digital story­telling at the highest level, in­clud­ing its com­mer­cial ex­ploita­tion, from apps to TV and the web: FIFA Stories was big. To­geth­er with our client, Ellektra con­cep­tu­al­ized and de­signed the pro­ject and devel­oped func­tion­al pro­to­types, but for po­lit­i­cal reasons, it never came to fruition. It’s un­for­tu­nate, but who knows what the future will bring. We have the con­cept ready to go at any time.

FIFA Stories running in a browser on a Macbook The FIFA Stories app running on an iPhone

Implementing Fifa’s of­fi­cial weekly mag­azine in digital form was an espe­cial­ly im­por­tant assign­ment for us – not many orga­ni­za­tions have a global reach, let alone a global fan­base. The pro­ject was a huge suc­cess in every re­spect, and even Apple and Google took notice: We were fea­tured in Best New Apps and re­ceived mar­ket­ing support. A project that we’re proud of and that has had a last­ing impact on Ellektra.

The FIFA Weekly app running on an iPhone A FIFA Weekly billboard in New York City

Neutra is our hobby and play­ground for devel­op­ing, apply­ing and test­ing the newest tech­nolo­gies. You might call it a case study app, and at the same time a really good app for jour­nal­ism, readers and authors. Un­apolo­get­i­cal­ly simple and fast, without opaque algo­rithms or in­tru­sive ads, while pro­tect­ing privacy in every re­spect – our way of making the world a little bit better.

Neutra running on an iPhone A Neutra billboard featuring Mark van Huisseling at Zürich train station

TX Group, Switzer­land’s largest pub­lisher, set am­bi­tious goals: An app based solely on web tech­nol­ogy, in­clud­ing a custom pay­ment system. Of course we were happy to take re­spon­si­bil­ity for the creative direc­tion, which we still think was highly suc­cess­ful. Techno­log­i­cally, the pro­ject was far ahead of its time, and that’s prob­a­bly why it was only online for a rela­tively brief period.

SonntagsZeitung running on an old iPad

The Wochenzeitung is a rare suc­cess story among newsweek­lies: Since 1981, the coop­er­a­tively run news­paper has been re­port­ing on every­thing left of the main­stream. They’re also pro­gres­sive when it comes to apps: Na­tive­ly pro­grammed for iPhone, iPad and An­droid, and now avail­able virtu­ally un­changed for more than eight years running. Quality work from Ellektra, which readers still appreciate.

The Wochenzeitung app running on an iPhone The Wochenzeitung app running on an iPad

Finally, the so‑called Gesamt­ver­kehrs­modell des Kan­tons Zürich is a ver­sa­tile and com­plex soft­ware for plan­ning and vi­su­al­iz­ing fu­ture traf­fic de­vel­op­ment. As Ellektra has ex­ten­sive ex­per­tise in bring­ing data to life, we were de­light­ed to take on the de­sign of a prin­ted brochure ex­plain­ing this tool. We even pro­duced an ac­com­pa­ny­ing four-minute video and, of course, an ac­ces­si­ble PDF was also in­cluded. We quite like the result.

A woman holds the closed GVM-ZH brochure in her hands A woman holds the opened GVM-ZH brochure in her hands