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Who’s going where, and when, why and how: You can find infor­ma­tion about that in the Canton of Zürich, Depart­ment of Mo­bil­i­ty’s sta­tis­ti­cal summary – on paper and in small format so it fits in a coat pocket. Hence its name, Taschen­statistik. We were asked to visu­al­ize the trea­sure trove of data and fasci­nat­ing find­ings and bring them into the dig­i­tal age, with inter­active func­tion­al­ity and acces­sible on smart­phones. That’s why we made sure to leave the charming name unchanged.

The Taschenstatistik running in a browser on a Macbook The Taschenstatistik billboard in Zürich

One app for seven dif­fer­ent news­papers: That is what CH Media, one of Switzer­land’s largest pub­lish­ers, asked us to create. Our reply: We’d be happy to, of course. For Android and iPhone, with in-app purchases, support for reader-re­porters and a lot of atten­tion to skeuo­mor­phic details – a product of its time. The cus­tomers greatly appre­ci­ated our effort and the jury of Best of Swiss Apps thought our debut in app develop­ment was worth a silver medal.

The AZ Aargauer Zeitung news app running on an iPhone

The FIFA World Foot­ball Museum™ called, so we made an app with a kicker. We (invisibly) attached tiny Blue­tooth trans­mit­ters to various exhibits in the museum and asked visi­tors to look for and collect them in an app. Col­lect­ing all of them would activate a voucher for the Fifa Store. An amazing app with gami­fi­cation, and one of our fa­vorite projects.

The official FIFA World Cup™ Match Balls Collector app running on an iPhone

The brief was short and to the point: The FIFA Forward foot­ball devel­op­ment program was going to be an­nounced in the lobby of Fifa head­quar­ters. In our app, we digitally repro­duced the giant world map in­stalled on a wall there and combined it with geo­localized articles from FIFA Forward – and thus FIFA Planet was born. A simple idea that play­fully conveyed in­for­ma­tion and as­ton­ished the public.

The FIFA Planet app running on an iPhone

Digital story­telling at the highest level, in­clud­ing its com­mer­cial ex­ploita­tion, from apps to TV and the web: FIFA Stories was big. To­geth­er with our client, Ellektra con­cep­tu­al­ized and de­signed the pro­ject and devel­oped func­tion­al pro­to­types, but for po­lit­i­cal reasons, it never came to fruition. It’s un­for­tu­nate, but who knows what the future will bring. We have the con­cept ready to go at any time.

FIFA Stories running in a browser on a Macbook The FIFA Stories app running on an iPhone

Implementing Fifa’s of­fi­cial weekly mag­azine in digital form was an espe­cial­ly im­por­tant assign­ment for us – not many orga­ni­za­tions have a global reach, let alone a global fan­base. The pro­ject was a huge suc­cess in every re­spect, and even Apple and Google took notice: We were fea­tured in Best New Apps and re­ceived mar­ket­ing support. A project that we’re proud of and that has had a last­ing impact on Ellektra.

The FIFA Weekly app running on an iPhone A FIFA Weekly billboard in New York City

Neutra is our hobby and play­ground for devel­op­ing, apply­ing and test­ing the newest tech­nolo­gies. You might call it a case study app, and at the same time a really good app for jour­nal­ism, readers and authors. Un­apolo­get­i­cal­ly simple and fast, without opaque algo­rithms or in­tru­sive ads, while pro­tect­ing privacy in every way – our way of making the world a little bit better.

Neutra running on an iPhone A Neutra billboard featuring Mark van Huisseling at Zürich train station

TX Group, Switzer­land’s largest pub­lisher, set am­bi­tious goals: An app based solely on web tech­nol­ogy, in­clud­ing a custom pay­ment system. Of course we were happy to take re­spon­si­bil­ity for the creative direc­tion, which we still think was highly suc­cess­ful. Techno­log­i­cally, the pro­ject was far ahead of its time, and that’s prob­a­bly why it was only online for a rela­tively brief period.

SonntagsZeitung running on a very old iPad

The Wochenzeitung is a rare suc­cess story among newsweek­lies: Since 1981, the coop­er­a­tively run news­paper has been re­port­ing on every­thing left of the main­stream. They’re also pro­gres­sive when it comes to apps: Na­tive­ly pro­grammed for iPhone, iPad and An­droid, and now avail­able virtu­ally un­changed for more than eight years running. Quality work from Ellektra, which readers still appreciate.

The Wochenzeitung app running on an iPhone